Creative Consultancies' mission is to unleash creative potential, support artists and the arts to thrive and inspire people to create. Creative Life Courses are another way we are supporting people to live their best creative lives through affordable, accessible online courses.

stART up
stART up, is an 8 module e-course designed to green light your creative business. *Give yourself the best chance of making money from your art. *Learn simple business strategies especially tailored to the arts industry and creative minds. *Share your special creative something with your ideal audience with clarity, authenticity and professionalism. Inject some business savvy into your creative life and let me help you share your special arty something with the world! Class kicks off soon!

The Creative Consultancies ideas section is your one stop shop for articles designed to support not only your creative business but also your whole creative life. From online presence to time management, creative process and the arts industry, the blog is a treasure trove of handy tips and inspiration.

Christina Giorgio
About Your Teacher Christina Giorgio (BAhons, CertIV Bus) - Christina is your virtual classroom teacher, whose lifelong passion has been the arts. A musician and film and theatre graduate with extensive training in both business and arts administration, Christina has been working for 2 decades in the arts at a grassroots, community and strategic level. Through her online courses, live workshops, retreats and speaking engagements, she shares skills and knowledge gathered over 20 years working in the arts. An experienced speaker, teacher and workshop facilitator, her latest venture Creative Life Courses are an opportunity to tap into Christina’s passion and expertise in the creative industries from anywhere around the world. stART up is the first course up for grabs and over 8 modules takes you through everything you need to know to start up or step up your creative industry business and practice.

Creative Consultancies
As well as delivering quality online courses, we run live workshops, host retreats and work one on one with creative people and arts based organisations and businesses. We are passionate about arts events and love bringing communities together through vibrant, grass roots arts events.